Latest local earthquakes

Here you can find basic information on late earthquakes from CZ and close neighborhood (in Czech only). Please choose on of these options:

Seismic events of last 30 days from CZ and near neighborhood:

Switch your smartphone to landscape mode! The seismic events on this map were located by experts and should be free of quarry blasts and fake events. The map shows tectonic earthquakes with magnitude ML≥0.5 (hot colours) and significant undergound mining related events (rockbursts and explosions undifferentiated; cold colours). It is routinely updated in the afternoon of each working day.

Overview of selected interesting earthquakes from last few years

Map with simple select query

Our webpage on earthquakes in the Temelín and Dukovany NPP's region of interest.

Seismological Information Display Temelín and Dukovany

Latest earthquakes in Europe and the World

Web pages of national and international seismological agencies with fast locations (not always perfect for our region):


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